Terms and conditions of use

Terms and conditions of use of the website

Thank you for using this website www,hit-hit.es / www.uvgihit.com. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully, as each time you use this website or view any of its linked web pages you expressly and unconditionally accept them.

1. This is the website of the company HIT Healthy Indoor Technology SLU, NIF B02807964. Registry data. T 777, L 568, F 77, S 8, H BU 18338, I/A1 (11.20.20); It advertises the offer of services and products, displays documentation (images and texts), and provides links to other websites.

2. Each website is provided “where possible” and “as is”; the material may not be complete, accurate or reliable; It is not guaranteed that it is virus-free, nor that direct or indirect damage may occur resulting from its use; We also reserve the right to modify, restrict, suspend or cancel, without prior notice and at any time, access to the website or any part thereof.

3. All copyright and other property rights of the displayed documentation (images and texts) are the property of the owner of the website or have been included with the authorization of its corresponding owner. If you believe there is an error, we would appreciate it if you could notify us immediately using the contact form.

You can browse the website, and reproduce it in its entirety and completeness; that not partial; each of its web pages by means of physical or digital printing; either for the purposes of personal use or distribution to other natural persons. All this can be done only under the condition of keeping its content and design intact; the latter understood as the relationship of sizes, distances, luminosities and colors between texts and images.

It is not permitted to use the displayed documentation (images and texts), or any part of said documentation; whether in its original or modified form; for purposes other than those intended on this website, nor for it to be incorporated into any other work, design, publication or web page.

4. Links to other web pages external to the website are provided for information purposes, no responsibility is assumed with respect to them, and obviously said pages are governed by their own terms and conditions of use.

5. The only information we intentionally collect is that sent by you via email and contact form; However, please note that browsers, web service delivery systems or email may collect information that we do not analyze or store.

The data entered by you in the contact form will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, and will not be revealed to third parties unless required in compliance with a court order or legal requirement. We will keep them for the time necessary for our legitimate interest and you. You can exercise your right to information, opposition and cancellation by contacting us.

6. We recommend that you periodically review these terms and conditions of use, as they may be modified at any time and without prior notice. You can request clarification of the interpretation of any of these points through the contact form or the means indicated there.

We hope that it has been of interest to you, and that in addition to being a user of our website, you are also a user of our services and products.

Last modified 01/10/2021

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